Motivation: Teens who are not able to join a language summer camp need to be able to learn a language in a fun way regardless of their location and social status.



Creating an online learning platform for teens to transform the in-person learning experience into a 100% digital experience.

This project is focusing on UX Design.The goal is to create a working mid-fi prototype including research, ideation, prototyping, testing and iteration.


UX Design Team of 2 Designers


Sketch, InVision


5 days


Getting to know the user and explore the market

It´s time to start researching the target user to understand who is generation is, the preferred platforms, way of learning, and how they like to spend their free time. We also have a closer look at competitors in the market.

Due to limited time and resources, the research will focus on online studies and interviews with teens. To work efficiently, we split the task and present the findings back to each other.

…introducing GEN Z

digital natives

41% spent 3h a day online

mobile only

self-directed & independent learning

creators & collaborators

fun, gaming and social media


Pros & cons of other language learning platforms

We identify the leading competitors and analyze existing language learning platforms by mapping out the pros and cons. Besides, we interview users about their experience.

It stands out to us that most platforms us a reward system to engage the user. Diversified challenges to repeat, memorize, speak, and write promise a full learning experience.

We mostly miss the fun, and the social element we learned is significant to our user.


Time to summarize the findings & define the problem

Next step of the design thinking process, we go into define mode. We use the findings and learnings from the research to empathize even more with the user.

User Persona & Journey

Meet Lisa, Lucy & Mateo

We create primary and secondary user personas with their needs, experiences, behaviors, and goals.

Furthermore, we map out our user’s summer holiday with all the highs and lows to identify opportunities for our product.


…bring summer camp experience into an app.

…help teens to be confident talking a new language.

…make learning a language interactive and fun for teens.


Making learning a language 100% fun & 100% mobile

After many rounds of round-robin and crazy8, we finally find the idea we find unique and fun enough to build the base for the app and stand out from competitors.

Together we create the MVP to have a clear road map in front of us.

Buddy up

What makes it a special language learning app?

Social connection

Meet real friends

Match a buddy base on your interests. Together start learning each other’s language.

Be creative

Daily challenges

Create and solve challenges for & from your buddy. Use the learned vocabulary to chat with your buddy.

Set your goals

Learn in your own speed

Level up when you are ready & meet new buddy´s.

This is how it works

1. Download the app and create an account.

2. Tell us what language you speak & which you what to master.

3. Enter your insterst & pick your monster.

4. Match a buddy.

5. Have fun learning a new language.


Safety is important to us

Not only have we Monster Avatars instead of profile pictures to prevent any kind of discrimination & the focus on learning.

Also we created the „Fox“ a FAB button to help with questions & watch over chat content.

Prototype & Test

Test, test & test

From the first paper prototype, we move to a clickable sketch prototype and test it with several users.

As the next steps, we would implement the user feedback and keep testing before we move on and create a high-fi proto.